Good Golfing Neighbor

Lake Arbor prides itself on offering the community exceptional value with exceptional service. We also want to ensure that we are collectively being a good neighbor to the nearby Lake Arbor residents.

Being a ‘good golfing neighbor’ means prioritizing safety by reducing the number of errant shots that have the potential to cause personal property damage or injury.

There are several ways Lake Arbor golfers can join this collective effort:

  • Know the Policy – Golfers are responsible for damage done to private property and/or personal injury. View the Lake Arbor Golf Course Policy.
  • Stay the Course – Don’t go on private property to look for golf balls.
  • Sometimes Yelling Fore Isn’t Enough – If you suspect that an errant shot has caused injury or damage to personal property, let a course representative know and they can help facilitate communication with the homeowner or resident.
  • Longer Isn’t Always Better – Lake Arbor is a short course that rewards accuracy over distance. Don’t be a hero. Hitting your driver isn’t always the best strategy. Keep the ball in play and avoid those costly penalty strokes!

View our page with information about damages or injuries caused by errant golf balls.